24-09 HOUSING | Intake Packet, Disclosure Statement, and Privacy Policy - 1 Signer

Center for Housing & Financial Empowerment

Dear Future Homeowner, Your recent interest in receiving homeownership counseling is greatly appreciated. Please complete the enclosed application form and return it with all requested documents by mail or in-person to:

ATTN: Housing Services
Louisville Urban League  
1535 West Broadway
Louisville, KY 40203

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at 502-585-4622 ext 6.

For Homebuyers

Please include COPIES of the following documents to properly process your application

  • Copy of your ID 
  • One (1) month recent paycheck stubs
  • Statement or award letter from social security, or any other additional income
  • Money order, Debit/Credit Card (no cash) for the full amount of fee (FEE IS NON­REFUNDABLE)

Clients that have been approved by a lender and have a contract on a home must provide the following documents in addition to the documents listed above: Loan Approval Letter, a copy of your sales contract, your Good Faith Estimate and your Truth in Lending Statement. Fees will be paid according to the schedule listed below, not to exceed $300.00 (This applies only to clients who have met the previously stated requirements). ALL CREDIT ISSUES MUST BE RESOLVED BEFORE THE ISSUANCE OF THE COMPLETION LETTER OR CERTIFICATE.

The membership fee for our counseling service is established on a sliding scale and is determined by calculating the Gross Annual Income (before taxes) of all family members participating in the home buying process.

  Income       Fees  
  $ 0 - $30,000    Your Fee = $50.00  
  $30,001 - $44,500   Your Fee = $100.00  
  $44,501 - $60,000   Your Fee = $150.00  
  $60,001 - $72,000   Your Fee = $200.00  
  $72,001 - $89,999   Your Fee = $250.00  
  $90,000 and up   Your Fee = $300.00  
  *$20.00 will be added for each additional or individual credit report requested.  

For Renters

Please include COPIES of the following documents to properly process your application

  • Correspondence from landlord if applicable
  • Two (2) most recent bank statements
  • One (1) month recent paycheck stubs
  • Statement or award letter from social security, or any other additional income
  • Money order, Debit/Credit Card only ( no cash) for the full amount of fee (FEE IS NON-REFUNDABLE)

Rental Counseling

Flat Fee      $25.00

Thank you,

Center for Housing and Finacial Empowerment
Louisville Urban League

Center for Housing & Financial Empowerment Intake Form

Date: February 10, 2025

Purpose of Visit (Please check only one)


Applicant Name: SSN# 

Address:    City:  State:   Zip:  

County:   Phone:    Email:  

DOB:             Age:  Gender:  
Race:       Ethnicity:       Education:

How did you hear about us?


Please describe your household

Do you, or your co-applicant, receive a Section 8 Housing Voucher?

   Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) Program?

Do you live in Louisville Metro Housing Authority public housing?  

Total number of people in household:    Please list the ages of you and your dependents only:  

Are you a single adult?
Are you a Single Female-Head of Household?
Are you a Single Male-Head of Household?
Are you Married with Children?
Are you Married without Children?
Are you Divorced?
Are you legally separated?
Are you Widowed?
Are the persons listed above Two or More Unrelated Adults?      
 Other? Please explain:


Do you have a Checking Acct?

 Savings Acct.?

Do you (please check all that apply):


Employer:  Gross Pay $   

How often are you paid?  

Do you receive any of the following benefits?

 If yes, list amount and how often received.

Food Stamps $
Social Security   $
Child Support $
Other $


Have you or co-applicant filed bankruptcy in the last 7 years?

  If yes, when

Was the Bankruptcy discharged?

  If yes, when


Do you:

If other, please explain:

Landlord Name:     Amount of Monthly Rent $

Are you a Homeowner?

If yes, Please complete this

Mortgage Company:   Amount of month payment $ 

Mortgage Loan #

Please answer EACH question. Thank you.

Are you a Veteran?

Are you Active Military?

Are you a U.S. Citizen?
If no, please list your birth country:
Are you disabled?

Are you a parent with a Special Needs child?

Are you a First Time Homebuyer?

Is English your primary language?

If no please list primary language:

      Empowering People.
Changing Lives.
    1535 W Broadway
Louisville, KY 40203
(502) 585-4622 ext. 6
[email protected]

Counseling Services Disclosure Statement
and Louisville Urban League Privacy Policy

The Louisville Urban League provides the following housing counseling services:

  1. Financial Management/ Budget Counseling- One on One budget and credit counseling to improve your overall financial profile
  2. Home Improvement and Rehabilitation Counseling- One on One counseling to discuss what type of home improvements you can do; ways to maintain your property; meeting qualifications of home Improvement programs.
  3. Mortgage Delinquency and Default Resolution Counseling- One on One counseling to help prevent foreclosure
  4. Pre­Purchase Counseling- One on One counseling to help client overcome barriers to homeownership
  5. Rental Housing Counseling- One on One counseling to help families understand qualifying factors of affordable housing, public housing, and other helpful resources.
  6. Fair Housing Pre- Purchase Education Workshops- This workshop explains the fair housing act and protected classes, your rights, and what you need to do If you think your rights have been violated
  7. Financial, Budgeting, and Credit Repair Workshops- Understand how to better manage your money, understand credit and why It's Important and what impacts your credit scores
  8. Non- Delinquency Post-Purchase Workshops/ Counseling- Maintaining your property and increase the value, being a good neighbor, maintaining budget and credit, steps to take If you fall behind on your mortgage. One on one counseling for clients who are looking into refinancing, obtaining second mortgage, home repair programs, maintaining the value of your home, review/ help with budget and credit.
  9. Predatory Lending Education Workshops- Common programs for refinancing or obtaining a second mortgage; Common scams to look out for if you want to re-finance; how to avoid scams and report them
  10. Pre- Purchase Homebuyer Education Workshops- A cumulative 8-hour class on buying a home and what to expect from lenders, realtors, Insurance agent, inspector, etc.
  11. Rental Housing Workshops- Discuss tenant and landlord rights and responsibilities, fair housing act.
  12. Resolving/ Preventing Mortgage Delinquency Workshops- Continuing to budget and manage your money after home purchase; most common loss mitigation options; and when to contact a counselor.
  13. By signing below I acknowledge that I have received Fair Housing literature, Expense Tracker, Monthly Expense Record, Budget Form, Lead Based Paint Awareness Information, PowerPoint Presentation, and Home Inspection Documents.
  14. As an applicant/ client, I/ We are not obligated to receive, purchase or utilize any other services offered by the organization, or its exclusive partners, in order to receive housing counseling services.


The Louisville Urban League is committed to assuring the privacy of individuals and/or families who have contacted us for assistance. We realize that the concerns you bring to us are highly personal in nature. We assure you that all information shared both orally and in writing will be managed within legal and ethical considerations. Your "nonpublic personal information," such as your total debt information, income, living expenses and personal information concerning your financial circumstances, will be provided to creditors, program monitors, and others only with your authorization and signature on the Foreclosure Mitigation Counseling Agreement. We may also use anonymous aggregated case file information for the purpose of evaluating our services, gathering valuable research information and designing future programs.

Types of information that we gather about you:

  • Information we receive from you orally, on applications or other forms, such as your name, address, social security number, assets, and income;
  • Information about your transactions with us, your creditors, or others, such as your account balance, payment history, parties to transactions and credit card usage; and
  • Information we receive from a credit reporting agency, such as your credit history.

You may opt-out of certain disclosures

  1. You have the opportunity to "opt-out" of disclosures of your nonpublic personal information to third parties (such as your creditors), that is, direct us not to make those disclosures.
  2. If you choose to "opt-out", we will not be able to answer questions from your creditors. If at any time, you wish to change your decision with regard to your "opt­out", you may call us at (phone number) and do so. 

Please select: I would like to opt-out of this provision.

Release of your information to third parties

  1. So long as you have not opted-out, we may disclose some or all of the information that we collect, as described above, to your creditors or third parties where we have determined that it would be helpful to you, would aid us in counseling you, or is a requirement of grant awards which make our services possible.
  2. We may also disclose any nonpublic personal information about you or former customers to anyone as permitted by law (e.g., if we are compelled by legal process).
  3. Within the organization, we restrict access to nonpublic personal information about you to those employees who need to know that information to provide services to you. We maintain physical, electronic and procedural safeguards that comply with federal regulations to guard your nonpublic personal information.

I/We understand that it is my/our right and responsibility to decide whether to engage, receive, or use any course of housing counseling with the Louisville Urban League and to determine whether counseling is suitable for my/our housing problem.

I/We understand that the Louisville Urban League has the discretion to charge reasonable fees for some counseling services, and that these fees will be explained to me prior to any counseling. I further understand that fees will not be charged if they create a financial hardship and that I wlll not be denied counseling if I cannot pay the fees.

I/We understand that the Louisville Urban League provides information on a broad range of housing programs, products and other services and that the housing counseling I receive from the Louisville Urban League In no way obligates me to use, choose, or receive any particular loan products or programs discussed In my one-on-one counseling sessions or during the lender sponsored Homebuyer Education classes. I/We understand that the Louisville Urban League does not guarantee that I/We will receive mortgage financing from any lender and/or other mortgage financing entity.

I/We may be referred to other services of the organization or to another agency or agencies as appropriate that may be able to assist with particular concerns that have been identified. I understand that I am not obligated to use or receive any of the services offered to me.

I/we understand that a counselor may answer questions and provide information but cannot give legal advice. If I want legal advice, I will be referred for appropriate assistance.

I have read and received a copy of the Louisville Urban League's Privacy Policy, Conflict of Interest Policy Statement, and reviewed and understand the above Counseling Services Disclosure Statement.

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Document name: 24-09 HOUSING | Intake Packet, Disclosure Statement, and Privacy Policy - 1 Signer
lock iconUnique Document ID: d81dd913c38f6488794f5a16b17b101542a45be5
Timestamp Audit
September 18, 2024 3:22 pm EST24-09 HOUSING | Intake Packet, Disclosure Statement, and Privacy Policy - 1 Signer Uploaded by Danyale Long - [email protected] IP 2603:6010:89f0:e260:945:b8e5:eb24:3434
September 18, 2024 3:39 pm ESTHousing Dept - [email protected] added by Danyale Long - [email protected] as a CC'd Recipient Ip: 2603:6010:89f0:e260:945:b8e5:eb24:3434