24-09 HOUSING | Intake Packet, Disclosure Statement, and Privacy Policy - 1 Signer
LOUISVILLE URBAN LEAGUE Center for Housing & Financial Empowerment
Dear Future Homeowner, Your recent interest in receiving homeownership counseling is greatly appreciated. Please complete the enclosed application form and return it with all requested documents by mail or in-person to:
ATTN: Housing ServicesLouisville Urban League 1535 West Broadway Louisville, KY 40203
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at 502-585-4622 ext 6.
For Homebuyers
Please include COPIES of the following documents to properly process your application
Clients that have been approved by a lender and have a contract on a home must provide the following documents in addition to the documents listed above: Loan Approval Letter, a copy of your sales contract, your Good Faith Estimate and your Truth in Lending Statement. Fees will be paid according to the schedule listed below, not to exceed $300.00 (This applies only to clients who have met the previously stated requirements). ALL CREDIT ISSUES MUST BE RESOLVED BEFORE THE ISSUANCE OF THE COMPLETION LETTER OR CERTIFICATE.
The membership fee for our counseling service is established on a sliding scale and is determined by calculating the Gross Annual Income (before taxes) of all family members participating in the home buying process.
For Renters
Rental Counseling
Flat Fee $25.00
Thank you,
Center for Housing and Finacial EmpowermentLouisville Urban League
LOUISVILLE URBAN LEAGUE Center for Housing & Financial Empowerment Intake Form
Date: February 10, 2025
Purpose of Visit (Please check only one) RentalHomeownershipBudgeting and CreditHomeowner Services
Applicant Name: SSN#
Address: City: State: Zip:
County: Phone: Email:
How did you hear about us? Family/FriendChurchTelevisionRadioSocial Media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.)Google SearchOther
HOUSHOLD INFORMATION Please describe your household
Do you, or your co-applicant, receive a Section 8 Housing Voucher? YesNo Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS) Program? YesNo
Do you live in Louisville Metro Housing Authority public housing? YesNo
Total number of people in household: Please list the ages of you and your dependents only:
Do you have a Checking Acct? YesNo
Do you (please check all that apply): Work Full-time Work Part-time Self-employed Retired Disabled
Employer: Gross Pay $
How often are you paid? HourlyDailyWeeklyBi-weeklyBi-monthlyMonthly
Do you receive any of the following benefits? YesNo If yes, list amount and how often received.
Have you or co-applicant filed bankruptcy in the last 7 years? YesNo If yes, when
Was the Bankruptcy discharged? YesNo If yes, when
Do you: RentLive with FamilyLive with FriendsOther If other, please explain:
Landlord Name: Amount of Monthly Rent $
Are you a Homeowner? YesNo If yes, Please complete this section
Mortgage Company: Amount of month payment $
Mortgage Loan #
ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:Please answer EACH question. Thank you.
Are you a Veteran? YesNo
Counseling Services Disclosure Statement and Louisville Urban League Privacy Policy
The Louisville Urban League provides the following housing counseling services:
The Louisville Urban League is committed to assuring the privacy of individuals and/or families who have contacted us for assistance. We realize that the concerns you bring to us are highly personal in nature. We assure you that all information shared both orally and in writing will be managed within legal and ethical considerations. Your "nonpublic personal information," such as your total debt information, income, living expenses and personal information concerning your financial circumstances, will be provided to creditors, program monitors, and others only with your authorization and signature on the Foreclosure Mitigation Counseling Agreement. We may also use anonymous aggregated case file information for the purpose of evaluating our services, gathering valuable research information and designing future programs.
Types of information that we gather about you:
You may opt-out of certain disclosures
Please select: I would like to opt-out of this provision. YesNo
Release of your information to third parties
I/We understand that it is my/our right and responsibility to decide whether to engage, receive, or use any course of housing counseling with the Louisville Urban League and to determine whether counseling is suitable for my/our housing problem.
I/We understand that the Louisville Urban League has the discretion to charge reasonable fees for some counseling services, and that these fees will be explained to me prior to any counseling. I further understand that fees will not be charged if they create a financial hardship and that I wlll not be denied counseling if I cannot pay the fees.
I/We understand that the Louisville Urban League provides information on a broad range of housing programs, products and other services and that the housing counseling I receive from the Louisville Urban League In no way obligates me to use, choose, or receive any particular loan products or programs discussed In my one-on-one counseling sessions or during the lender sponsored Homebuyer Education classes. I/We understand that the Louisville Urban League does not guarantee that I/We will receive mortgage financing from any lender and/or other mortgage financing entity.
I/We may be referred to other services of the organization or to another agency or agencies as appropriate that may be able to assist with particular concerns that have been identified. I understand that I am not obligated to use or receive any of the services offered to me.
I/we understand that a counselor may answer questions and provide information but cannot give legal advice. If I want legal advice, I will be referred for appropriate assistance.
I have read and received a copy of the Louisville Urban League's Privacy Policy, Conflict of Interest Policy Statement, and reviewed and understand the above Counseling Services Disclosure Statement.
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Document Name: 24-09 HOUSING | Intake Packet, Disclosure Statement, and Privacy Policy - 1 Signer
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