November 16, 2016


Christi Lanier-Robinson

(502) 609-9141

Louisville Urban League and Commissioner Stephen L Pruitt to host community conversations on ESSA

Discussions to focus on closing the achievement gap and the laws impact on students


WHO:              The Louisville Urban League (LUL), the Prichard Committee and the Louisville Branch of the NAACP

WHAT:            Closing the Achievement Gap: #whatisESSA?

The Louisville Urban League, the Prichard Committee and Louisville Branch NAACP will host a community conversation with Commissioner Stephen L. Pruitt, Kentucky’s education chief, on Every Student Succeeds Act, or ESSA, and its impact on students.  In 2015, this legislation replaced No Child Left Behind and is the main law governing P-12 education.  The legislation provides states and school districts greater flexibility and control over the accountability process. Commissioner Pruitt has hosted a number of forums across the Commonwealth to share information on ESSA and its role in closing the achievement gap.

The public is welcome and encouraged to attend.

WHEN:            Monday, November 21 from 6:00 – 8:00 PM

WHERE:           The Louisville Urban League Headquarters (1535 W. Broadway, Louisville, KY)

WHY:               LUL, the Prichard Committee and the NAACP have a shared commitment to improving educational outcomes for all students. As part of this efforts, the groups have and will continue to host several community events, conversations, trainings and programs that further engage the public on the achievement gap and efforts by policymakers to ensure all children are receiving a quality education.


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