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IF you are a non-profit or government agency located in Jefferson, Bullitt, Oldham or Nelson Counties you should be partnering with the Louisville Urban League (LUL) as a Host Agency for the Senior Community Service Employment (SCEP)/Urban Seniors Jobs Program (USJP) ……

– You are missing out on the opportunity to provide part-time community service training positions for low-income seniors in your local communities.

– USJP is a Department of Labor-sponsored training program that allows people who are 55 years of age or older to update their jobs skills; They’ve got integrity, dedication, efficiency, confidence, and pride in a job well done and diplomatic communication – don’t miss out on these talented folks!

– If you are considering growing your team, evaluate the long-term viability of doing that through the support of this wonderful community service training program. Don’t miss out on helping to place someone who just might be the right fit for your needs.

– While learning, they earn the Federal minimum wage and the LUL handles the payroll – really, you are missing out!

We welcome the opportunity discuss the opportunities with you so that you and your organization don’t miss out!

Please send a representative to join us February 22, 2018, from 2-4pm. Reserve your seat today by calling 502-566-3371 or emailing Martha Robinson at [email protected]

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