Managing Work, Kids, and a Schedule at Home

You may be feeling overwhelmed by the ever-growing list of closures and news surrounding the coronavirus. Like many parents, you probably recently found out that your kids will be on an unexpected extended break. You’re probably trying to work from home while trying to keep the kids entertained and learning, maintain your household chores, and keep everyone germ-free. Below are some tips to help ease the parental stress associated with working from home due to the coronavirus pandemic.

As schools and child care centers close and companies implement social distancing policies, parents must navigate potentially difficult work-from-home situations. It isn’t always easy to get the necessary work done with your children present. Here are some tips for parents working at home.

  • Communicate with your partner on ways you can alternate work time
  • Talk to your boss and be candid about your home situation. Seek an understanding of your boss’s expectations and reach a solution that works for everyone
  • Create a workspace

Since you may have to adjust your routine, include your child in setting up a new schedule for you both. For example, wake up at 8am, have breakfast together, and so on…

  • Nurture their interests and encourage their creativity
  • Teach them how to wash their hands properly
  • Ask them to help with chores

Most schools are providing class assignments online but let’s face it, this will only occupy them for so long. When the kids get bored you can schedule a virtual playdate with their friends. And many attractions, such as zoos and museums, are providing virtual visits.

  • Virtual play dates through a video call or FaceTime
  • For older kids and teens video calling and social media help them stay social especially at times like this. Most apps require youth to be 13 or older. It’s up to you to decide when your child is ready for social media. For tips on internet safety check out The American Academy of Pediatrics post.
  • Virtual museums and zoos, more info here.
  • Depending on your child’s school, they may offer assignments online but if that’s not an option the Scholastic Books Organization is offering free daily courses for kids stuck home due to school closures. Visit Scholastics here.
  • When you’re feeling overwhelmed or your child needs to get their energy out take a break. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, we should avoid group activities and places such as playgrounds but it’s still okay to take walks outside and ride bikes

Remember that this may be a confusing time for both you and your child. Ask older kids what they think or what they have heard from their peers about the current events. This could be a great time to ease any worries they may have. Sometimes the best thing to do is to turn off the news and simply enjoy this quality time together.

For tips on how to talk to your kids about the Coronavirus visit PBS Kids.

Source: Managing Work, Kids, and a Schedule at Home – Face It