Facing eviction in Louisville, Kentucky?

Here’s what you can do (be sure to click on all the underlined words for helpful links!):

  1. If you can demonstrate that you’ve lost income due to COVID-19 and need financial assistance, contact any Neighborhood Place to apply for the One Louisville Fund by filling out this form which will then send you an application to fill out. You can simultaneously apply for their Eviction Prevention Program by either calling 502-977-6636 or visiting this website to set up an appointment to fill out an application. You should also apply for Team Kentucky Fund here!

  2. Communicate with your landlord about what you’re able to pay and what rental assistance you’ve applied for so they know what to expect. Ask them about a payment plan if you’re able to do that.

  3. Check this list to see if your landlord can apply for assistance on your behalf. If they are on this document, send them this link! You should also see if your property is covered by the CARES Act here. If it is, there are different protections and protocols the landlord has to follow.

  4. If you have legal concerns about your landlord, please call Legal Aid at 502-584-1254 and they will call you back in approximately 72 hours.

  5. If you need emergency assistance with your rent, mortgage, and utility assistance and cannot get help from the Neighborhood Place, find your Community Ministries (enter your address here and zoom out to see which agency you need to call) and contact them.

  6. If you would like someone to help you coordinate these and other resources, let us know. We’ll have someone call you sometime next week.

Behind on your utilities?

If you are behind on your LG&E bill:

  1. Apply first for LIHEAP. To do that, you have to make an appointment here and then drop off your documents (listed after you’ve made your appointment) at the location you made an appointment for.

  2. If you are not eligible for LIHEAP or need additional assistance, contact your Community Ministry. Please note, LG&E has a moratorium on shut-offs until September 1st!

If you are behind on your water bill:

  1. Apply for assistance through the One Louisville Fund/Neighborhood Place if you’ve been affected by COVID-19.

  2. You can also apply for assistance through your local Community Ministry. (Same process as #5 above.)

  3. Reach out to Louisville Water Company and ask about their Drops of Kindness Program. They might be able to match dollars from other nonprofits and help with a payment plan.

Source: Stop My Eviction