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Vision Russell to host community meeting on four action activities designed to bring physical improvements to the neighborhood area

WHO: Louisville Forward and Louisville Metro Housing Authority (LMHA)

WHEN: Monday, April 24th from 6:00-7:30 p

WHERE: Louisville Urban League—1535 W. Broadway

WHAT: Representatives from LMHA and Louisville Forward will join a team of designers, architects and other consultants to collect community feedback on four key “action activities” that will be implemented this year within the Russell Neighborhood. This includes: developing SmART bus stop shelters that will serve as public art while providing shelter for those who use public transportation; improving Sheppard Park by adding a spray ground and restrooms; reviewing potential new uses for four vacant lots within the neighborhood; creating dynamic “gateways” into the Russell Neighborhood by adding murals and other artistic improvements on some of the railroad overpasses that run between 13-15th streets. These four activities are all part of “Vision Russell” and are designed to support the transformation plan that was developed for the Russell Neighborhood and Beecher Terrace through a Choice Neighborhoods Initiative (CNI) planning grant from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD).

Attendees are encouraged to bring photos, drawings and other ideas that reflect their vision for these focus areas. Suggestions and input may also be emailed to [email protected]

WHY: Last June, through HUD’s CNI program, LMHA was awarded a $1 million grant to support physical projects that would spur community improvements and economic development within the Russell Neighborhood. Based on a survey process and other community feedback from Russell residents, four activities were identified and are being funded by the CNI Action grant, as well as an additional $375,000 provided by Louisville Metro Government.

The action activities help support the goals of the Vision Russell Transformation Plan (VRTP) that was developed by Russell residents, community leaders, LMHA, Louisville Metro, community leaders and other stakeholders over the past two years.

In addition to the CNI Action grant, in December, HUD also awarded Louisville Metro and LMHA a $29.5 million CNI Implementation grant. These funds will be leveraged with over $205 million in additional funding sources to implement key elements of the VRTP including relocating and providing supportive services to current Beecher Terrace households, redeveloping the Beecher Terrace site, and implementing other critical community improvements in the Russell neighborhood.


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