Census Bureau Hiring Fair
January 9, 2020 @ 10:00 AM - 1:00 PM EST
The National Processing Center is the U.S. Census Bureau’s primary center for mail processing, survey processing, data capture, and imaging/scanning. The operations consist of Call centers, Mail Processing, Analytical Processing, Document Services, Data Capturing, Geographic Operations and Warehousing. Fulltime and Part-time shifts may be available. NPC’s main campus is located on 10th Street and Warehouse is located on Logistics Avenue in Jeffersonville, IN.
Submit your application at www.USAJobs.gov. Search Keyword: Census, Location: Jeffersonville. If you need assistance along the way, call us at 877-576-7740. Federal Relay Service: 1-800-877-8339 TTY/ASCII www.gsa.gov/fedrelay.