At Heine Brothers,’ we have always been about much more than simply making a profit. From the beginning, we have been committed to treating people and the planet with respect and dignity. From working directly with organic coffee farmers, to recycling every milk jug we use; from partnering to provide clean water in Mexico, to protecting the natural awesome of the Green River here in Kentucky; Impact is one of the core values of our company, and important to all of us at Heine Bros’.
We love roasting coffee and operating coffee shops and we are proud to be making a difference here in Louisville and around the world. At Heine Brothers’ Coffee, we believe we’re doing well by doing what’s right.
2020 Impact Partners:
The Louisville Urban League is transforming a 24-acre contaminated lot into a state-of-the-art Sports and Learning Complex with indoor track and field as the anchor use. Thousands will come from across the country to compete and spectate, making this the only project underway in the west end that will bring disposable income into the area. This project will transform not only a neighborhood, but also the human spirit. Construction is underway, and the facility will open in 2021.
From January 1 – March 31 2020, Heine Brothers’ will donate $1 to the Louisville Urban League for every 12oz. bag of Traveler Blend sold to support their Sports & Learning Complex.
St. Joseph Children’s Home remains a top leader in Kentucky for taking care of children and believes that every child deserves safety and love. Our mission is simple: Giving Children a Home. We live that mission every day by providing quality care to the nearly 350 children served annually across St. Joe’s three core programs: residential treatment, therapeutic foster care and adoption, and child development center.
The sad reality is that Kentucky is currently facing an epidemic of child maltreatment with nearly 10,000 children placed in the state’s foster care system. With so many children in need of help, it is up to all of us to keep Kentucky’s children safe from harm. Make a positive impact by investing in St. Joe’s kids today!
From January 1 – March 31 2020, Heine Brothers’ will donate $1 to St. Joseph Children’s Home for every 12oz. bag of Mountain Dream sold.
For more info, visit:
Highland Youth Recreation has partnered with Kentucky Refugee Ministries to give KRM soccer players an opportunity to play HYR soccer free of charge. It is a great opportunity for these newly relocated international families to integrate with the Louisville community and make friends. It is also a great opportunity for HYR players to get to meet and play with often very talented international players.
Heine Brothers’ has partnered with the Louisville City Soccer Club to release a joint tumbler, designed by Nathan Weaver. Heine Brothers’ donates $2 from every HB + LouCityFC Tumbler sold to the program.
For more info, visit:
Volunteers of America is proud to be an accredited, licensed not-for-profit business serving individuals and families who face some of our society’s most complex challenges. Because their mission focuses on the mental, physical and spiritual health of each person they serve, they are planning for a future in which they will broaden their core competency of care management. This person-centered, family-focused, integrated approach to transforming lives leverages the highly professional team that we have attracted to their mission.
In 2020, Heine Brothers’ will donate the full purchase price ($2) of every burlap coffee bag sold in our stores to Volunteers of America Midstates.
For more info, visit:
The Center for Women and Families provides trauma-informed advocacy and support for individuals, families, and communities affected by intimate partner violence and sexual assault. They mitigate the impact of trauma by building resilience and reducing risk factors at all levels. They are guided by a strong grassroots feminist history, and are committed to social and economic justice. They co-create violence free homes, families, and communities.
Heine Brothers’ baristas support The Center for Women and Families by donating all pennies from their tips to support their mission.
For more info, visit:
Source: Social Impact – Heine Brothers’ Coffee