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This year, 175,000 formerly incarcerated Kentuckians got their right to vote restored and their voice is critical in this election cycle. Exercising that vote isn’t as simple as just showing up to the polls so in order to educate the community about the process, Just Leadership USA Kentucky, in collaboration with ACLU-Kentucky, Life Coach…Each One, Teach One Re-Entry Fellowship, All of Us or None, and YVPRC, will be hosting a webinar conversation on Sept. 30th to go over all the information people will need to show up at the polls on Nov. 3rd. 

This might be the most important election in the history of this country, and it’s never been more essential to have a well-represented electorate — the voices of formerly incarcerated individuals are fundamental to instituting the changes we so desperately need. And one of the best platforms for those voices is the polls. 

Please share this flyer and RSVP information with your networks, advocates, allies and anyone else who might find the information helpful. 

Please RSVP here for a chance to win giveaways, and we look forward to seeing you there! 

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