For too long, such accountability has been considered in a negative light, but in fact it is an opportunity to better serve all students and to root out systemic issues that have put some at a disadvantage.
Kentucky education leaders are now in the process of developing plans to implement a new state education accountability model under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA). The federal law honors citizen engagement in the success of our students and our schools. It is imperative parents, educators and community members work alongside state officials to ensure all young people, and especially those who have been left behind for too long, have access to a first-rate education.
As citizens, parents, education leaders and policymakers participate in the process, meaningful systems of accountability are the top priority. We must set high education standards benchmarked to the rigors of college, careers and civic engagement for all children, including traditionally disadvantaged student groups. We must set the bar high, knowing students achieve to the expectations we set for them, and communicate clearly what those goals are so that parents can support their children’s learning.
In the same way, high-quality assessments and clear reporting are critical, because they inform teachers and parents what’s working, what’s not and how they can make improvements. We must write down and say out loud what we expect for our children and communicate quickly and honestly with families about how well their kids are meeting those targets.
For too long, such accountability has been considered in a negative light, but, in fact, it is an opportunity to better serve all students and to root out systemic issues that have put some at a disadvantage. These efforts will be assisted by the fact that all indicators must be disaggregated by individual student subgroups including each major racial and ethnic group.
In that regard, design matters. If education standards are too complicated or incomprehensible, or if we lower the bar for the sake of giving the impression schools are doing better than they are, we will waste this historic opportunity. That requires strong support for educators, pressure to encourage policymakers to do the right thing, and broad participation to tailor the system to our kids’ needs. Most importantly, states must provide timely, transparent analysis of student performance for parents and communities in an easy to read, accessible format.
To be sure, that is a tall order. “This is going to be hard and intense work, but work that is needed,” State Education Commissioner Stephen Pruitt wrote in July. “We need all of our educators and shareholders to be engaged and willing to inform the process.” We must push through bureaucracy and political gridlock to advocate on behalf of our children, because they can’t wait.
Good enough is no longer good enough for our students.
Despite improvements in recent years, Kentucky continues to dwell in the basement of educational achievement. We need able-bodied, college- and career-ready high school graduates, in order to attract quality companies and good paying jobs. It is with that understanding that we are working with Commissioner Pruitt to collect public input and create a system that takes care of children and ensures that every student succeeds.
Our work is also focused on creating stopgaps to ensure failing schools are identified and strategies are in place to help them turn around – effectively matching accountability with the right mix of muscle and flexibility. Our system should be agile and adjustable when problems arise. But the expectation is clear – all schools must raise achievement for all students. That means:
- Ensuring schools are meeting expectations for all students and student subgroups group and that appropriate mechanisms are in place when schools do not meet those expectations;
- Highlighting and celebrating schools that meet and exceed expectations for groups they serve;
- Supporting leaders who are willing to direct necessary resources to struggling districts to help them improve;
- Requiring prompt, thorough and competent responses for and from schools that need help; and,
- Providing resources to help disadvantaged student groups achieve to high expectations.
And the King shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me. Matthew 25:40
Kentuckians have a historic opportunity to implement meaningful systems of accountability for all students. Achieving those goals will require strategic focus; we can’t afford a watered-down plan that settles for “good enough.”
Sadiqa N. Reynolds, ESQ. is president of the Louisville Urban League. Raoul Cunningham is president of the Louisville Branch of the NAACP