LUL Youth Behavior Policy, Participant Release, and Grievance Procedure for Clients

Louisville Urban League Student/Youth Behavior and Disciplinary Action Policy

The Louisville Urban League (LUL) is a provider of quality out-of-school time services for eligible students/youths (clients) of the Louisville/Jefferson County metropolitan areas. These services are provided through LU L’s Youth Development and Education (YOE) department. In provision of YDE’s programs and activities, it is in the utmost interest of LUL to uphold high standard behavioral expectations for the students/youths we serve, as well as their parents/caregivers.

Therefore, the management of LUL expects all students/youths (clients) to conduct their behavior, at all times, in a manner that is acceptable.

In the event that an individual’s behavior is determined by YDE staff to be unacceptable, (i.e., inappropriate use of language, speaking to others in a disrespectful tone, inappropriate physical contact with others, inappropriate personal appearance/dress, destruction of property, stealing, violations of LUL policies, criminal involvement, etc.) the follow steps of disciplinary actions should be followed by YOE staff and management:

  • Verbal Reprimand/Counseling
    Assigned YOE staff shall address and discuss inappropriate behavior with the student(s)/youth(s) in question to gain understanding and compliance with acceptable standards of behavior.
  • Individual Counseling and Parent Contact
    If and when assigned YJE staff experiences recurring behavioral problems with specific student(s)/youth(s), staff shall refer such to the YOE Director for counseling. Results of the counseling shall be documented and ·communicated to the appropriate parent/caregiver, and placed in the student’s file. The counseling session shall address the specific behavior problem and warn against the consequences. Immediate improvement will be expected or the individual(s) will be subject to being dismissed from the program.
  • Termination of Participation in Program
    At the discretion of the YOE Director or other key LUL management staff, should it be determined that the nature of the specific situation warrants, the specific individual(s) in question will be subject to immediate dismissal from participation in YOE programs, and may be banned from future participation.

Louisville Urban League Parent/Participant Certification and Releases-Confidentiality Statement

I,  , certify that my child, ,  can participate in the Louisville Urban League program activities at its facility located at 1535 W Broadway or other sites as required. I assume all risks and hazards incidental to the conduct of this program and my child’s participation in it, thereby releasing the Louisville Urban League from any liability. I have explained the rules to my child and agree that the Louisville Urban League will not be responsible for any accidents to my child while on Louisville Urban League premises or while engaged in any of its activities off-site. The Louisville Urban League will also not be monetarily liable for any of the aforementioned situations.

FIELD TRIP PERMISSION AND TRANSPORT RELEASE: I hereby give permission for my child to accompany the Louisville Urban League on all field trips scheduled for the after-school program. All field trips are a part of our programming. If I am a participant I may also travel with staff on field trips. When necessary, transportation may be provided by commercial bus and/or center van, school bus, chartered bus, or TARC bus to travel to and from field trips, from home and/or program sites and to and from scheduled program sessions. At other times it may be necessary for me or my child to walk short distances with staff or to drive to locations. In consideration of my and/or my child’s participation in this program and the advantages of these field trips, t, the undersigned do personally, and on behalf of myself and my child, agree that the Louisville Urban League, their agents, employees, and the driver and/or owner of the vehicle used for field trips shall be absolved, released and exempt from liability for damages for any claim of personal injuries, bodily injury, damage to or loss of personal property that might occur during my or my child’s participation in such activities/trips or while traveling from or returning to my/our home, except to the extent of insurance liability as provided by law.

MEDICAL RELEASE: I authorize the Louisville Urban League and/or partnering organizations to obtain medical treatment for me or my child in the event that parent(s) or guardian or emergency contact cannot be reached. I release and discharge the Louisville Urban League, their partners, agents, volunteers, staff and employees from any claim for injury, illness, death, loss or damage which I or my child may suffer as a result of participation in these activities.

PHOTOGRAPH/VIDEO RELEASE: As a recipient of services provided, I give my permission for the Louisville Urban League to use my or my child’s name, video, photo and/or likeness in marketing, public relations, advertising materials and any other legal way they may choose to use them.

CONSENT TO RELEASE OF INFORMATION: As a participant, or the parent/guardian of a participant in the programs at the Louisville Urban League by signing this form, I am giving the Louisville Urban League staff permission to communicate with the Jefferson County Public Schools (JCPS) and other LUL partners regarding services offered to me and/or my family. I understand that all records and information regarding service will be protected by regulations that govern the exchange of confidential information. It is understood that by authorizing the release of such information, it will be used for the sole purpose of providing and enhancing services to me, my family, and/or my child and to avoid duplication between the agencies. This disclosure of information will be limited to staff of the Louisville Urban League and JCPS.

This authorization to receive services from the Louisville Urban League and to exchange confidential information shall remain in effect for the period of my participation. I understand that this release may be revoked by me at any time, if requested in writing. I have read and understand the contents of this form; I have received a copy, and I agree to its provisions.

CONFIDENTIALllY STATEMENT: The Louisville Urban League School certifies that all information contained in this enrollment form will be held confidentially and kept in a secure location. The information will be used solely for the Louisville Urban League School administrative purposes and will not be sold or shared with others.

Louisville Urban League Grievance Procedure for Clients

The Louisville Urban League prohibits discrimination on the grounds of race, age, religion, income level, occupation, gender, prior public records of offense and all other matters which might identify individuals as members of specific groups.

If you feel your rights have been violated while participating in any Louisville Urban League (LUL) program, the Agency has set up steps to follow if you want to file a complaint.

  • STEP 1: Discuss the problem with your counselor or the person that is assigned to your case within 5 days of the alleged violation. If not resolved proceed to step 2. (If you are uncomfortable discussing with your Counselor or person that is assigned to your case, proceed to step 2.)
  • STEP 2: Discuss with the department Director who is responsible for overseeing the Urban league Program within 5 days, if not resolved proceed to step 3.
  • STEP 3: An appeal can be made to the President/CEO and/or Human Resources within 5 days.

LUL has an Open Door Policy and you are welcomed to discuss any issues with the appropriate staff.

To register a complaint with the LUL you may file a complaint within 180 days from the date of the alleged violation. To do this you can call:

  • Louisville Urban League, Human Resources at (502) 566-3414, OR
  • Louisville Metro Human Relations Commission, 410 W Chestnut Street, Ste 300, 40202, OR
  • Kentucky Commission on Human Rights. The Heyburn Building, 14th Floor, 332 W Broadway, Louisville, KY 40202