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On October 15 at 9AM at the Norton Healthcare Sports & Learning Center, we will host a breakfast with NUL President and CEO, Marc Morial and business and foundation leaders from around the city. This will be an opportunity to learn about partnerships and investments happening in other cities and discuss how we in Louisville can do more to improve equity, access, and opportunity.

At the same time, at the Norton Healthcare Sports & Learning Center, we will host a breakfast with NUL policy strategists to discuss different policy initiatives at the local, state, and national levels and how we can begin move on those items to the benefit of our community.

These events are by invitation only. Please RSVP to only one event – the breakfast to which you were invited.

Note: At this time, mask requirements will be strictly enforced and social distancing will be in place. If conditions change, we will notify using the information provided. 

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