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Good News:  I spoke with Dare to Care today and verified that our Monthly Dare to Care Mobile Truck Event is still on for Thursday, March 26th at the L&N Building beginning at 10 AM, food will be distributed until we run out (please bring your own boxes, karts, and/or baskets to receive and carry food products).

Our procedures will change of course in order to comply with health safety measures regarding COVID 19.  Dare to Care will bring pre-boxed food for our customers, which they can simply pick up and take. Interaction will be minimal and distanced by 6 feet. We will work to keep the people in line a distance of 6 feet apart also. There will be no sign-in required for our customers this time. There will be plenty of hand sanitizer and measures to keep us all safe.

Our volunteers this time are minimal, so our patrons will need to be patient. Additional security will be present for this event. Please get the word out and let your customers know.

In addition, On Monday, I am getting a bumped-up food deliver from Dare to Care for our Emergency Food Closet, so if your customers need food, let me know and we will get that taken care of.

I have stocked the Community Clothes Closet with diapers, wipes, and additional shoes, so if any of your customers need these items. (You will need to call up there to get assistance with this.)

Thanks for all you do, and stay well.


Executive Administrative Secretary, Office of the Secretary

Cabinet for Health and Family Services

908 W. Broadway, 10E

Louisville, KY 40203

Office: 502-595-5751

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