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The purpose of this event is to enroll families in our education programs for the 22-23 School Year. If you have been invited you may have already heard of the program or began enrollment. This event is designed for you to quickly complete enrollment and get your student started in paid tutoring and after-school programs.

Tutoring Programs 
Reading and Math Intensive Tutoring 4th-12th
ACT Tutoring 9th-12th
*9th-12th Graders must choose 2-subject tutoring OR ACT Tutoring

After School Programs
Street Academy 6th-8th Grade
Project Ready 9th-12th Grade
RSVP Here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeMApKx0yY5ig8G0vQ-PenP0UeF3t_rIacwYXK2sERa_YXTZw/viewform

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