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The University of Louisville CO-IMMUNITY PROJECT is open for Registration!

  • Get a fingerstick to check for COVID-19 antibodies (from vaccination or past infection), and get a nasal swab
  • Answer a few questions about yourself (takes about 5 minutes)
  • Free of cost, plus you will receive a $10 gift card for participating
  • Eligibility: 18 years and older residents of Jefferson County, Kentucky

Be part of the SOLUTION. Keep getting tested multiple times for a healthy open community!

Participants can register at https://bit.ly/uoflcovid.

About the Study

The University of Louisville is conducting a study to understand immunity to COVID-19 in Louisville, either because of someone having the virus or because they are fully vaccinated.

This information will help with fully reopening our community safely. To look at immunity we will measure antibodies to COVID-19 as well as test for a current infection. Adults age 18 years and older are invited to answer a short questionnaire and go to a community site in Louisville for free testing with a nasal swab and a finger stick. They can take part even if they’ve received the vaccine. Participants will receive a $10 gift card from community partners after they have been tested.

If someone tests positive for COVID-19 current infection, they will need to follow-up with their healthcare provider and begin isolation. By law, we will be required to report the case to local health agencies. Testing will be done at various locations throughout Jefferson County.

Taking part is voluntary, but by participating, you will help determine how to reopen our community safely!

If you are interested in being tested for COVID-19 infection and antibodies, please go to: https://bit.ly/uoflcovid

For questions or concerns please contact [email protected] or call 833-313-0502

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