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45th DR. JOSEPH H. MCMILLAN NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE BLACK FAMILY IN AMERICA: Elevating the Health and Safety of the Black Family and Community

The University of Louisville’s National Black Family Conference is a premier conference that focuses on the Black family, issues and challenges stemming from the richness of history.

This year’s conference will be held at the Louisville Central Community Center, Inc., February 23-24, 2018

Keynote Speakers:

Melissa Harris-Perry, Public Speaker. Television Host,Award-winning Author
Melissa Harris-Perry is the Maya Angelou Presidential Chair at Wake Forest University. Melissa hosted the television show “Melissa Harris-Perry” from 2012-2016 on weekend mornings on MSNBC and was Editor-at-Large for Elle.com 2016-2017. She remains a sought after public speaker, lecturing widely throughout the United States and abroad
Phone Number:( 502) 852-6657

Sybrina Fulton, Mother of Trayvon Martin, Activist, Author
Sybrina Fulton is dedicating her life to transforming
family tragedy into social change. Since the death
of her 17 year old son, Trayvon Martin, Fulton has
become an inspiring spokesperson for parents and
concerned citizens across the country.

 General Conference Fee: $200
 Friday Only Attendance: $125
 Saturday Only Attendance: $125
 Special Discounted Rate for Students: $50*
 Banquet Table Fee: $1,000
 Brunch Table Fee: $1,000

*Spaces limited. Call (502) 852-6657

Website: louisville.edu/culturalcenter/bfc
Email: [email protected]

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