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The Louisville Urban League has been chosen by the National Urban League to pilot a USDA grant program to promote urban farming. We are aware and honor the fact that many people have been, or are doing work in and around this space. This opportunity has the amazing potential to complement some of that work and create new avenues for growth in the food space.
Sankofa Farms, our technical assistance partner out of Philadelphia, and members of the National Urban League will be in town next week. On Friday, June 30 at 12:30 PM, we would love for you and any interested friends to come out to meet them and learn more. We plan to provide a late lunch, so RSVP below so we can get a good count.
There are elements to this new program that are pretty well set, but there is still a lot of room to build and adjust. There is a place for anyone to be able to “plant, grow, or harvest” with us. We look forward to seeing you.

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