February 9, 2023
Louisville Urban League’s Statement On Position Statement On Gun Prevalence in Schools
On Tuesday, February 7, the JCPS Board of Education convened to discuss a range of issues, but most prominently, the rise of guns being found in schools. As WDRB reported, the most recent handgun found on a Ballard High School student is the city’s twentieth such incident. Following a presentation by gun safety advocates, BE SMART, calling for gun safety education for parents, children, and staff, a motion was made for a detailed report on this issue to be compiled and presented to the board by April 25. Pending that report, the motion also called to have metal detectors placed at every middle and high school in Jefferson County.
The Louisville Urban League does not believe that metal detectors are the right solution for this issue. Longitudinal data supports the notion that metal detectors in schools do not deter or prevent violence. We do, however, believe that guns in any capacity, whether possessed by adults or children, have absolutely no place in schools. We also recognize that the accidental discharge of a weapon is a legitimate threat and that detectors may provide the illusion of protection that some are seeking. Our primary concern is for the real safety of all students and preventing the further criminalization and disenfranchisement of students seeking to protect themselves while guarding against their own worst fears.
To that end, a community-centered task force with the right members and proper authority would make a meaningful difference as this conversation unfolds. The League is willing to collaborate with JCPS, other community members, and students to discuss comprehensive interventions and solutions to the problems of gun prevalence and the threat of violence on school campuses. To be clear, this is a city, state, and community issue that our public schools are now forced to address. And while the implementation of metal detectors may seem like a simple fix, we want to eliminate any risk of harm that may come to Black students as the result of increased surveillance, bad policy, bad practice, and the desire to criminalize behavior when alternative, humane solutions exist.
Gun safety is an issue that affects all Louisvillians, but Louisville’s Black residents will be the group most vulnerable to potential overcorrection. If formally invited to engage, we plan to ensure that members of the impacted community(s) are involved in the decision-making and report back in the most transparent way possible.
[email protected] | (502) 512-3681
About the Louisville Urban League
The Louisville Urban League assists African Americans and those at the margins in attaining social and economic equality and stability through direct services and advocacy. For more information, go to lul.org or follow us on Facebook, Twitter (@louisvilleUL), or Instagram (@louisville_ul).