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Come experience and learn from the community development success stories happening in the historic Portland and Russell neighborhoods.

If you are interested in building healthy, sustainable, safe, and attractive neighborhoods in Metro Louisville, this is the event for you!

Here’s what you can expect:
• Network with like-minded community members from across Metro Louisville including neighborhood leaders, local government officials, and non-profit partners.

• Hear from local and national experts on important and groundbreaking efforts in community-building and local action during our keynote presentations.

•Attend mobile workshops in Russell and Portland to learn from community development success stories that you can use in your community.

•Enjoy our Awards Luncheon with hundreds of your Metro Louisville neighbors and celebrate the great work happening across the region.

•Browse our exhibitors and learn from numerous community partners, businesses, and agencies that may be working or may be available to work in your area.

Learn more and register at http://www.centerforneighborhoods.org/neighborhood-summit.

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