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This study seeks to understand the spread of COVID-19 in Jefferson County. The information will be used to keep people healthy and safe during community re-opening. The study will test at no cost to find out if a person may currently have the virus or has had it in the past, even if they did not feel sick.

Adults age 18 years and older are invited to participate in the study.

The study involves testing with a nasal swab and finger stick.

The nasal swab tests for active infection and results are available in 48-72 hours.

If someone tests positive for COVID-19, they will need to follow-up with their healthcare provider and begin isolation. By law, we will be required to report the case to local health agencies.

The finger-stick blood test looks for antibodies to COVID-19, and results from this test are available in about two weeks. It is not clear at this time how long the antibodies last, and if an individual is able to be re-infected.

To be tested for COVID-19 and antibodies, visit primarybio.com/r/louisville?key=community or call (833) 313-0502

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