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Welcome to the 2020 National Urban League Virtual Career Fair

Connect with recruiters and network your way to the top at the National Urban League Virtual Career Fair. Can’t be present at a live Career Fair due to COVID-19? Don’t worry! Share your resume with dozens of recruiters from top companies and showcase your talents in the right from your computer.

Why Register?

The Virtual Career Fair offers a unique opportunity for jobs seekers to Interact in a live, 3-D virtual environment, watch video content, apply for jobs and communicate via instant chat or webcam. Employers are looking for talented individuals nationwide for positions spanning various industries.



The Future of Work: Diversity, Recruitment and Opportunity in a Post-Pandemic Landscape(11am EST)

Don’t forget to log in to the auditorium at 11:00am and attend the workshop.
Click “Lobby” and attend the Career Fair beginning at 12:00pm.

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